Early Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction
Survey Courses
Historical Theology I: Doctrine and Spirituality of the Early Church
Historical Theology I Lectures
Lectures 1-10
Conversion and Baptism in the Early Church
Church and Church Order in Early Christian Teaching
Women and Ministry in the Early Church
Differentiation from Judaism
Toward Uniformity: Charismatic and Institutional Authority in the Early Church
Whose Orthodoxy? Docetism, Encratism, Gnosticism
The Development of the New Testament Canon
Greco-Roman Religion and the Early Christian Apologists
Early Christians and Military Service
Lectures 11-20
Martyrdom-Reading the Stories of the Martyrs
Persecution Apostasy and the Controversy Over Restoring the Lapsed
Early Christian Biblical Interpretation: Typology and Allegory
The Roots of Christology
Athanasius on the Incarnation
The Arian Crisis
The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
Athanasius and the Cappadocians on the Holy Spirit
Synopsis of Basil on the Holy Spirit
The Rise of Asceticism
Writing the Life of a Saint: Spiritual Biographies and the Life of Pachomius
Augustine and the Manichaeans on Evil
Historical Theology I Syllabus
Historical Theology I Final Exam
Historical Theology II: Doctrine and Spirituality of the Medieval Church
Historical Theology II Lectures 1-10
Intro to European Society in the Middle Ages
Augustine on Faith Hope and Love
Augustine and Pelagius on Freedom and Grace
The Rule of St. Benedict
Prayer and Lectio Divina in the Benedictine Tradition
Confession and Repentance: An Introduction
Confession and Penance: From the Early Church to the Middle Ages
Prayer and Pastoral Care in Gregory the Great's Pastoral Rule
Bernard of Clairvaux's Life and Works
Bernard of Clairvaux on Loving God
Historical Theology Lectures 11-20
Faith and Reason in Anselm's Proslogion
Synopsis of Anselm Why God Became Man
Late Medieval Mystical Traditions
Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection
The Cloud of Unknowing
Julian of Norwich
Jean Gerson on Mystical Theology
Jean Gerson on Spiritual Discernment (Discernment of Spirits)
Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways
Thomas Aquinas on the Atonement
Thomas Aquinas on Transubstantiation
Historical Theology II Syllabus
Historical Theology II Final Exam
Historical Theology II Final Exam Study Guide
Historical Theology III: Doctrine and Spirituality of the Reformation
Historical Theology III Lectures 1-6
Later Middle Ages and Renaissance
Luther on Justification
Penance, Indulgences and Beginning of the Reformation
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Luther on Trials (Anfechtungen) and the Temptation to Despair
Luther on Suffering and Spiritual Warfare
Historical Theology III Lectures 7-11
Luther on Baptism
Luther on the Lord's Supper
Luther on the Pastoral Office and Confession
Johann Arndt as a Precursor of Lutheran Pietism
Johann Arndt's True Christianity
Historical Theology III Lectures 12-16
Johann Gerhard and Lutheran Devotional Literature
Johann Gerhard's Devotional Works
Life of John Calvin
Calvin on Church and Baptism
Calvin on the Lord's Supper
Historical Theology Lectures 17-20
The English Reformation
George Herbert: Poet and Pastor--The Country Parson
Puritan Conceptions of the Church
Richard Baxter on Self Examination and Christian Marriage
Historical Theology III Syllabus
Historical Theology III Final Exam
Historical Theology III Final Exam Review Sheet
Historical Theology IV: Secularization, Spirituality and Ministry in the Modern Period
Historical Theology IV Lectures 1-6
The Transition from Scholasticism to Rationalism
Puritanism and Social and Religious Fragmentation
Spener Francke and Lutheran Pietism
Radical Pietism: Gerhard Tersteegen and Gottfried Arnold
Zinzendorf and the Moravians
John and Charles Wesley
Historical Theology IV Lectures 7-11
John Locke on Toleration
David Hume's Criticism of Miracles and Natural Religion
J.S Mill On Liberty and Toleration
Further Development of the Liberal Political Tradition
Ludwig Feuerbach and Sigmund Freud on Projection
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Confessional Theology
Lectures 12-15
Summary of Steve Bruce on Secularization
Secularization and Its Implications for the Ministry of the Church
Secuarlization and Evangelical Christian Response
Church Leaving : Disaffiliation & Secularization
Religious Disaffiliation: The Rise of the Nones
New Age Religion and Secularization
Historical Theology IV Syllabus
Advanced Seminars
Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church: Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Care in the Greek Fathers
Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church Syllabus
Prayer and Spirituality Lectures 1-5
Spiritual Gifts New Testament passages
Prayer in the Early Church
Tertullian and Cyprian on the Lord's Prayer
Origen on Prayer
Cyril of Jerusalem & Gregory of Nyssa on the Lord's Prayer
Apophthegmata Patrum: The Desert Fathers on Prayer, Compunction and Spiritual Direction
Prayer and Spirituality Lectures 6-21
Evagrius Life and Summary of Eight Evil Reasonings
Evagrius on the Psychology of Action
Evagrius on Pride
Evagrius on Vainglory
Evagrius on Anger
Evagrius on Anger Discussion of Principal Texts
Evagrius on Acedia (Akedia)
Evagrius on Sadness as a Deadly Sin
Evagrius on Avarice (Covetousness)
Evagrius on Gluttony
Evagrius on Lust and Fornication
Evagrius on Seeing God
Evagrius on Evil and Preexistence: The Origin and Fall of Rational Beings
John Cassian
Abbah Isaiah of Scetis and Barsanuphius and John
Dorotheos of Gaza
Prayer and Spirituality Final Exam 2011
Review for Prayer and Spirituality Final Exam 2011
Final Exam for Prayer and Spirituality 2018
Review for Prayer and Spirituality Final Exam 2018
Augustine's Moral and Pastoral Theology
Augustine Seminar Lectures 1-5
Intro to Augustine's Life and Works
Augustine Confessions I-V
Augustine Confessions VI-VII
Augustine Confessions VIII-XIII
Augustine on Faith Hope and Love
Background of the Pelagian Controversy
Augustine and Pelagius on Human Freedom Sin and Grace
Augustine and the Donatists on the Purity of the Church
Augustine Lectures 6-9
Augustine on Pastoral Ministry
Augustine On the Trinity
Augustine on Lying
Augustine on Suicide
Augustine Syllabus
Introduction to Sahidic Coptic
Introduction to Sahidic Coptic Syllabus
Themes in Christian Spirituality
Self-Examination (The Examen)
Baptism in the New Testament
Romans 6: Baptism into the Death of Christ
Holy Baptism: A Brief Introduction
The Baptism of Children in the Early Church
The Lord's Supper
Spiritual Discernment
Rules for the Discerning of Spirits
Vocational Discernment: Testing a Call from God
Discerning a Call to Ministry
Meditating on the Psalms
Speaking Peace: Meditating on Ps 122
Seeking Peace: Biblical Teaching on Peace
How to Plan a Spiritual Retreat
Praying for Sanctification and Greater Love of God
Abandonment to the Will of God
Le Cantique spirituel de Jean-Joseph Surin
What It Means to Be a Seminary Professor
Pastoral Competences in the Anglican Tradition
Training the Next Generation of Spiritual Directors
Training Spiritual Directors: Content and Competencies
Bibliography of Readings for Use in the Training of Spiritual Directors
Pastoral Ethics
Moral Issues Lectures
The Nature and Challenges of Pastoral Ministry
A Short History of Pastoral Ethics
Telling the Truth
Confidentiality and Mandatory Disclosure
Review of Repentance and Confidentiality
The Morality of Forgiveness
Friendship Morality and the Spiritual Life
Responding to Conflict in the Church
Abuse of Power in Ministry
Forced Exits
Stress and Burnout in Pastoral Ministry
Stress in Pastoral Ministry
Factors Involved in Clergy Burnout
Taking a Closer Look At Personal Stressors: The Pie Plate Chart
Summary of Clergy Health and Clergy Stress Research
Clergy Sexual Misconduct
Factors Contributing to the Compulsive Use of Pornography
Sexual Misconduct in Pastoral Ministry
Sexual Misconduct in Ministry Supplemental Handout
The Effects of Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Perspectives from the Abused
Marriage Divorce and Remarriage
Marriage Divorce and Remarriage Lecture
Marriage and Divorce Summary Outline
Marital Infidelity: Risk Factors and Rebuilding the Marriage
Divorce and Remarriage in Mark 10
Moral Issues Syllabus
Pastoral Ethics Case Studies
Case Study on Telling the Truth and Deception
Case Study on Confidentiality and Disclosure
Case Studies on Conflict in the Church
Case Study on Pastoral Sexual Misconduct
Moral Issues Final Exam
Moral Issues Final Exam
Moral Issues Final Exam Review Sheet
Legal Issues
Legal Issues: Invasion of Privacy and Defamation
Undue Influence and Legal Responsibility for Employees
Moral and Legal Issues in Spiritual Direction
Moral and Legal Issues in Spiritual Direction Bibliography
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Heart Chart: How We Respond to Temptation
Anger: The Deadliest Sin?
Falling Out of Love: Acedia (Akedia) and Spiritual Apathy
Covetousness: When Having Things Is the Most Important Thing
Lust and the Healing of Disordered Desire
Case Studies on the Seven Deadly Sins
Case Study on Pride and Vainglory
The Lord's Prayer
Prayer in the Early Church
Lord's Prayer Summary
Our Father: What Fatherhood Really Means
Hallowed Be Your Name
Your Kingdom Come Your Will Be Done
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Forgive Us Our Debts
Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil
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